Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.Changing Shipping Address Post-Order Placement: Can I modify my shipping address after I’ve placed an order?

If you need to change your shipping address, act swiftly! You have a 6-hour window from completing your order to make any changes. Please get in touch with us immediately to update your details. After this period, we cannot guarantee changes due to our commitment to prompt order processing.

2.Order Detail Amendments: How can I alter the details of my order after it’s been placed?

For any changes to your order’s address, size, or colour, or to cancel an item, please reach out within 6 hours post-purchase. Please email us at [email protected] with your order number and specific change requests. Please note that these changes are processed manually and may not be reflected in automated emails. After the 6-hour window, we cannot make changes, and our team cannot be liable for unprocessed requests.

3.Sizing Information: How can I determine my best size?

Finding the perfect fit is easy with our comprehensive Size Guide, available on each product page. This guide includes detailed measurements and instructions to help you select the correct size. Since sizing conventions can differ by region, it’s important to compare your measurements with our guide before deciding.

4.Size Consistency Across Products: Is the sizing consistent across all of mxrow shop clothing lines?

We aim for sizing uniformity; however, some items may fit differently due to the variety of fabrics and designs we use. For the best fit, always consult the Size Guide on the product’s page you’re interested in.

5.Customs Fees for International Orders: Will I be responsible for customs fees on my international order?

Customs fees may apply to orders shipped internationally and vary by country. Your purchase with us does not cover these fees and is the customer’s responsibility. To estimate potential fees, you can track your package using the shipping carrier’s website or consult your local customs office.